IP Address Classes and Configurations for Network and Host

The IP addressing is of two types. One is IPV4 and the other one is IPV6. Here we will tell you, what is IPV4 protocol. It is a combination of 32 bit, with three different classes.

The IP address for IPV4 is divided into three network Partitions. These classes are:

  1. CLASS A
  2. CLASS B
  3. CLASS C

Class A is configured as N.H.H.H/8 Bits. Class A is represented as XXXXXXXXX.00000000.00000000.000000000 where the network bits are represented as x and the host is represented as zero. The octet of Class A is 8 Bits and the number of networks that can be assigned to class A is 128. The number of hosts per Networks will be 16677214. The calculations used in the same as follow:

No. of Networks = 2^ (8-1) = 128 (-1 is because of Parity bits) 

Number of hosts will be 2^24 – 2 = 16777216 – 2 = 16677214 hosts per networks

Class B  is configured as N.N.H.H/16 Bits. Class B is represented as XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.00000000.000000000. The octet of Class B is 16 Bit and the number of networks that can be assigned to class A is 16384 Networks. The number of hosts per Networks will be 65534. The calculations used in the same areas follow:

No. of Networks = 2^ (16-2) = 16384 (-2, because of Parity bits) 

Number of hosts will be 2^16-2 = 65536– 2 = 65534 hosts per networks

Class C is configured as N.N.N.H/24 Bits. Class C is represented as XXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXX.000000000. The octet of Class C is 24 Bit and the number of networks that can be assigned to class A is 16384 Networks. The number of hosts per Networks will be 1677214. The calculations used in the same as follow:

No. of Networks = 2^ (24-2) = 4194304 (-2, because of Parity bits) 

Number of hosts will be 2^16-2 = 1677216 – 2 = 1677214 Hosts per networks

As we Switched from Class A to Class C, Number of networks will be increased and the number of hosts will be decreased. There are complementary to each other as per the increasing and decreasing order.

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